Mass Times
SUNDAY MASSES Vigil Mass (Saturday) 4pm Sunday 10am, 12 noon & 5pm
WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Saturday 10am Adoration - Monday 6pm

SUNDAY MASSES Vigil Mass (Saturday) 4pm Sunday 10am, 12 noon & 5pm
WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Saturday 10am Adoration - Monday 6pmHOLIDAYS OF OBLIGATION MASS TIMES 8:00am; 10am & 7pm
CONFESSIONS Saturday after 10 am Mass Upon request at any time.
We strive to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in our words and actions.
Our church provides a consecrated place where all are welcome to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, through prayer, the celebration of Mass and the Sacraments.
Members of our parish community, witnessing to the love of Christ, work in various ways to support those who are most in need, in our local community and beyond.