Lent Services
Gallery with ID 1 is empty.Lent, Holy Week & Easter Services 2020
26 February: Ash Wednesday (Day of Abstinence and Fasting)
- Services at 8am, 10am & 7pm
Stations of the Cross
- Every Monday at 7pm
Weekday Services in Parish
- Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday & Friday at 8am
- Monday to Saturday at 10am
Services in the Schools
- Every Monday 8.30am in St Monica’s Primary School
- Every Friday 8.30am in St Andrew’s Secondary School
18 March: Penitential Service at 7pm
4/5 April: Palm Sunday: Blessing and distribution of the Palms
9 April: Maundy Thursday
- 11am Chrism Mass in Motherwell Cathedral
- 7pm Mass of the Last Supper and washing of feet. Watching until 9.30pm followed by Night Prayer
10 April: Good Friday Services
- 10am: Morning Prayer
- 3pm The Passion of the Lord
- 7pm Stations of the Cross
- 30pm Night Prayer
11 April: Holy Saturday
- Easter Vigil at 8pm. Blessing of the Fire & Lighting of the Pascal Candle, followed by the Scripture Reading, Baptism and Holy Mass
12 April: Easter Sunday: Mass 10am & 12 Noon. Please note there will be no evening mass